Historic Preservation Committee

Zimmerman Library

The Anthropology Annex

The Art Annex
Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month from 2:00 - 3:30 PM via Zoom. Please email abellmor@unm.edu to request a Zoom meeting invite.
The UNM Regents' Historic Preservation Committee advises the President regarding historic resources and assists University departments in the preservation and protection of these resources. Departments and/or units shall consult with the Historic Preservation Committee on matters regarding the University’s historic resources. Committee members include the University Archivist, Meem Wirth Endowed John Gaw Meem Curator, and one (1) representative designated by each of the following organizations: Alumni Association, Campus Planning Committee, Facility Planning, Physical Plant, Department of Anthropology, School of Architecture, and the Department of Art and Art History. The Committee will elect a chair.
The Committee is also responsible for:
- Identifying and inventorying the University’s historic resources. Historic resources are historically significant buildings, landscapes, and places or objects that possess exceptional value or quality in representing and reflecting the architecture and cultural heritage of the University. This determination should reflect both public perception and professional judgments.
- Recommending University historic resources for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places and/or the State Register of Cultural Properties. Since the nomination of a historic resource is a substantial undertaking with financial concerns and long term commitment on behalf of the University, such nomination must be approved in writing by the Vice President for Business and Finance, and the President.
- Monitoring historic resources for conservation, restoration, rehabilitation, maintenance, interpretation, and ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance.
- Advising the appropriate administrator on matters concerning University buildings listed on the State Register of Cultural Properties and the National Register of Historic Places.
Audra Bellmore, Chair
(505) 277-7131